Thursday, March 03, 2005

About Forest Dance

I crept out of my cell in the wee hours of the morning. Following my previous pathway to the old ruins, my heart beat faster and faster. Could I catch another glimpse of the lady in the passageway? I wondered as I crouched down in the bushes near the entryway. Sitting there in the still darkness, I waited. She did not show.

I was about to give up as dawn broke the night sky with shafts of light through the trees beyond the ruins. Suddenly, there she was, dressed magnificently in a pastel-colored ballet dress, her hair tied back in a graceful bun. I began to hear muted sounds of a sonet as I crept closer....watching her dance. She was oblivious to any other thing around her as she twirled. Her taffeta dress flowed all around; graceful movements on tip-toe.

As silently as she appeared, she was gone.

I sat there in the bush, amazed, astounded and wondered where the forest dancer had gone?


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