Sunday, July 03, 2005

Recalling a dream and gathering knowledge

"Yoni", pencil sketch

I recall a dream I had in November of 2001
* * * * * * * * *
I am in a strange building with many floors and elevators and passageways-some that can only be accessed by certain people. These rooms I consider safe and I hide in them as I am being pursued and feel fearful and threatened. I make my way out, managing to avoid my pursuers. I find myself in an underground mall, much like the malls in Montreal, and I am escaping through the subway system. Somehow I end up in a ship that is floating through a substance much like water, but isn't-it's like liquified matter. This substance is everywhere and I am breathing it like air, yet I move through it as if I were swimming in it. I must swim through these tent-like comparments, as a test, and return to the center, in order to join up with my beloved. I am sent behind a gauzy veil where I see him. We swim toward each other in this sea of matter and embrace. As we rise up in unison, faster and faster, our particles meld and we become one. I find myself back in the room behind the veil, the two of us separate once more.
* * * * * * * * *

We are Sunday today, and I am in a "gathering stage" at the moment. Instead of creating, I feel the need to amass information... to feed my Self. I ordered Ki Longfellow's "The Secret Magdalene" which arrived on Friday. I started reading the book and got sidetracked somehow, pulling another book off of my bookshelf which I'd purchased a while ago but had not yet read. This one is The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which drew me in and so I will finish reading it prior to resuming my reading of Ki's book. Prior to the actual translation of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, the book discusses the history of the foundation of modern day Christianity, and the "anthropology" of the time. It is interesting to note that certain gospels were rejected based on their content, and what was perceived as being the lack of continuity with the rest of the gospels. To me, it would make sense that the message that the Christ would have conveyed while living would have been different than that which he would have conveyed after having ascended.

Oh the mysteries of life... and death. What I know is that we are each much more powerful than we ever can conceivably imagine, and that our ignorance of this fact, perhaps by choice (in our effort to not assume responsibility for it), will lead to our destruction. I also know that there are too many heavenly chefs and they have spoiled the soup... and this is reflected in our world of today.

Back to my reading...


At 1:00 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Dear Adriane
I am so pleased that you have shared your dream and described how you are in the gathering stage. The gatherers is a strong metaphor that was used by a prominent Australian artist whose name now alludes me. Baskets to fill as we walk to the crossroads. So many memories come drifting back of classes I have run, writing shared, treasures to put in our baskets.

I too am in a 'gathering stage' and I am very interested in what you are reading, in your recommendation faucon. Perhaps the Lemurian Mysteries will hold a lot of appeal for you. For now it is timely that you share your thoughts here.

love The Abbess (Heather)

At 4:29 AM, Blogger maya said...

What I know is that we are each much more powerful than we ever can conceivably imagine,

These words leaped out at me.
Awareness leads to limitless possibilities. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

At 7:01 AM, Blogger Believer said...

Hello Adriane,

How important dreams are to us! You made me live this one with your vivid imagery and awakened the memory of a recurring dream I used to have as a child. Strange circumstances surround that one which I think I'll post in Deadwood Tales.

You also struck a chord with your gathering reference. I think it's what non-creative folk, mired in their busy-ness and stress, never find time for.

Hope to see more of your writing!


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