Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A spiritual boost

How lucky I am! Our little mountain community is culturally void of influences from the outside world but Sunday an Internationally renown Tibetan Nun stayed at our new Ashley Inn for the night on her way to Sun Valley to be with The Dalli Lama. (Sorry about spelling) . 15 people sat and listened as she held us spellbound for 2 hours. I too sat in a lotus position, on the floor, and completely forgot the slow numbing in my legs. As soon as I got home I could not face verbally or physically my visible world and went to my art table, which sits both in my dining room window and the Abbey by the way, and placed my inner impressions on silk. I shall title this piece "Tibetan Impressions". Now what will I do with it? I guess that will have to come from my right brain later.


At 8:55 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

No better experience - a fortune indeed. Love the image you created.

At 6:35 AM, Blogger Fran said...

Thank you Jane for sharing the experience in words and painting.


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