Saturday, July 15, 2006

Descent into the Underworld

Familiar territory for me. Heather asks: "What will you leave at the gate before descending?"

In my real-life descent that began 15 years ago (and probably coincided with my Saturn return), I lost much that was dear to me (see previous post). This time, as we dwellers at the Lemurian Abbey put on our rough travellers' clothing and gather a few possessions into our packs, I get to choose what I'll leave behind! But this is no time to for trivial choices. The world is literally burning around us. I must leave behind all expectations--that life should be as I want it to be.

Not only our souls but the soul of the World is being alchemized in the crucible, and no one knows what will emerge. If you believe, as I do, that before we joined this Earth Walk our souls chose this time and place to be, then we must descend with open eyes and hearts, banding together as a new tribe. Those who love beauty know each other.

Meanwhile, every day I'm reveling in all the incredible visionary art being posted here and the profound poetry that seems to just fly off the tongues of my fellow travellers!


At 4:59 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

I know you will be on the road with le Enchanteur Ramona. A warm welcome to you. I can think of no one better to walk with at this time.

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Yes, for certain travel will be great with these companions. The saturn return can be very challenging, indeed.

At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Backyard Design New South Memphis said...

Good bless


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