Saturday, March 19, 2005

Cottesloe on Saturday afternoon

Today beside the Indian Ocean we walked together as we did long ago
Saturday, and the many were on the beaches
Old and young without ghetto blasters
playing, swimming, all the things that people do
on beaches in a hot afternoon

Today, there is more for the beach is dotted with sculpture
a purple doll buggy begins our walk
A mysterious creature clocks the time
Refugee children knock at the door of freedom
but bars close around them
A giant spider claws the sand
A dragon has laid his egg in his nest
of a broken ship
Skeleton of a whale in polished metal
lies close to the shore
Sea shells dot a windowed vision of the sea
There are other creatures here and many we
cannot know but we do know
their presence brings us all into one world
We join in reverie an old silver man who looks outward to the sea


At 2:49 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Today beside the Indian Ocean we walked you and I and I saw through your eyes the old and young playing, the refugee children knocking at the door and a giant spider clawing the sand.


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