Thursday, March 17, 2005

Drawn by the smell of lemon cookies

The smell of lemon cookies baking bought me out of my quarters and down to the kitchen. I will just prop myself and sit talking to you Sharon.

The Abbey garden is looking particularly lovely with autumnal shades dancing in the ambers of summer's sun. The wattle bird is warbling with pleasure as it drinks from the nectar of the brush red flowers of the New Zealand Christmas tree and a flock of ravens flew back into the rookery bringing news from all over the world.


At 7:45 AM, Blogger Believer said...

I'm sorry I couldn't join you and Sharon for tea and those lovely smelling cookies, but I had a busy week and lots of children to help at the library.

I love the idea that in Lemuria we can experience the world of the *other* as well as our own at the same time. I saw the two of you sitting among the falling autumn leaves and heard a strange bird singing, but then you were suddenly surrounded by tulips and daffodils, and being showered with cherry blossoms. I couldn't stay to see which vision lingered.


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