Thursday, March 03, 2005

Seed Specialist's Delight

The gardens here at the Abbey are nothing short of a botanical treasure, permeated with the melodious ping of bellbirds. This afternoon I cut long stems of the Bird of Paradise Winnie photographed and I have put them in a large vase in the Library.

With Sharon cooking today I enjoyed walking through the grounds with my basket collecting flowers for the Abbey vases. Our roses are looking simply beautiful and I found ancient species tucked in quiet corners. The oldest roses here date back to the time of King Midas, who apparently had green fingers as well as turning everything in to gold when he ruled over Phrygia in 1500 B.C. Heritage roses such as the 'Red Rose of Lancaster' and the 'White Rose of York' date back to the Middle Ages.

This Abbey is a seed specialist’s delight. Most of the plants that have survived have done so because they have been useful and have medicinal properties. The lavender for example is prolific and masses in the old wild garden.

While I was in the library I searched for some books that I am sure are on the shelves which will help me identify some of the seeds that I have been finding. Because the Abbey has been undisturbed by development it will yield wonderful heritage plants. Apart from daffodils, violets there are crocus and other treasures to be found.

I am planning to set up some seed trays on trestle tables in the green house and begin nurturing some of these babies. There is no need to rush out and buy the 'latest look' plants when there are all these things that have shown their resilience by surviving flood, fire and drought.

I will keep you posted. Now I better go and set up the library for dinner. I have a feeling that it is going to be quite a formal affair. Long gloves and all that!

got to run


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh! I love the scent of lavender Bobbi! Please find some and we'll make little lace wrappings for the seeds and place them in our dresser drawers! I need to go find some special ribbon.........

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Believer said...

Lavender is lovely, but you haven't lived until you've smelled an antique rose. They are something!

"Seed banks" and adventurers who willingly hang from cliffs, etc. to see a rare plant species are quite interesting to read about. I will try to find a link for the Abbey library.

Glad you're here to watch over the greenhouse, Bonny.


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