Monday, May 16, 2005

Having Fitz

This is a poetic form called a Fitzgerald. Faucon introduced it at the Live Poets Blog. The poem itself must be exactly 55 words long, but the title can be as long or short as you wish. Ever since I first tried a Fitz, I’ve been perversely wanting to take shameless advantage of that “loop-hole” that lets you use a title of any length. In this poem, I actually used the funny quote about the Gypsies that I put on the end of that last message to Trendle as the TITLE!

I was stolen by the Gypsies.
My parents stole me right back.
then the Gypsies stole me again.
This went on for sometime.
(Charles Simic)

If the Gypsies had stolen me
A breath wouldn’t have been uttered
My mother would have let the back door slam
Gone across the tall grass of the yard
Faster than heat lightening in the mountain twilight
When my father came home and found her gone
Heaven wouldn’t have been enough
To help
The Gypsies

Edwina Peterson Cross


At 4:54 AM, Blogger Fran said...

If a Gypsy had stolen me
the family might just have laughed
knowing full well
that I'd be left back on our doorstep
by the first evening. Fran

At 5:09 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

It must have been a gypsy
Who deposited me
On the doorstep of my family
For safe keeping
For truth to say
I am not very like most of them

Heather who is laughing a lot about the notion of being left by gypsies.

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Believer said...

I sat on the window ledge in a loft once many years ago. I was eating a sandwich and looking across the street when the gypsies arrived with their children tangled in the swirls of their long skirts. I called to them and waved, hoping to be stolen, but they never looked up and passed me by.


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