Sunday, July 10, 2005

In Flower

Christina's fine weaving of a flower's thoughts
with motherhood and the rebirth cycle
caused my to reflect on how flowers
can be an example of many things in life ...



You may not spend much time thinking of flowers. Not that they think of you much -- about the same probably. Certainly you may realize that everything you need to know about running a business effectively can be learned in your garden. Do you know that 25% of all flower types grow only in South Africa? Or that certain flowers can only gestate if eaten by an animal? Or that they can record the scream of flowers when they are cut? Thought not. Just wanted to get your attention.

I want to lay a different thought on you -- that flowers can teach you something about spirituality. No, not the way people use flowers on special occasions, or fill sick rooms and funeral halls with overdone bouquets. That's religiosity anyway -- if you stretch a bit. I mean answers to the big questions like, "Why am I here?" "Does any of this count?" "Do I really have to wait until judgment day to see my Creator" Well. Flowers have the answer!

First, consider that way most people plant flowers.
Select a desired plant based on color, shape. etc.
Abandon your choice in favor of your significant other's preference.
Remember some 'warm fuzzies' attached to this flower or plant.
Pick up the wrong pack of seeds at the store – then plant anyway.
Water and nurture the seedling through childhood, adolescence and blossoming beauty.
Go on a vacation or just become distracted with 'life'
When the plant dies from neglect, throw it out and get a goldfish!

Your experience may be slightly different, but …

Now consider your past religious experience -- your church, clan, coven, whatever. See what I mean? I think it is fair to say that the more ridged your expectations are in ANYTHING, the greater chance there is that you will wind up with something else. Furthermore, if you try to live someone else's dream or definition you will only wind up with weeds!

Try a different approach. Get a package of wildflowers -- or one of those pre-planted strips. Water them irregularly, walk on them -- even pretend they don't exist or that you don't care if they live or die. Guess what! Some will grow anyway. And they will all be different and beautiful and healthy. And next year some 'volunteers' will come up -- perhaps even different than before. Possibly for the rest of your life a new flower will grow there -- or in your neighbor's yard -- oops! Look quickly though -- you may never see that particular type of flower ever again. Try this once and you will be absolutely certain beautiful flowers will grow.

Now that is faith! That is selfless love!

That is why I call myself a ___________ (insert belief structure).

Next time you see a flower -- wave!


At 9:13 PM, Blogger Trendle Ellwood said...

This is just beautiful, I love it.
Gives me a big smile.
Thank you!


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