Saturday, December 24, 2005

So much for plans

Well, Em says, "Of course you will write a new story."
Besides, she wants me out of the kitchen
so that she can bake coookies and make fudge
and Scandanavian goodies -- without help!
A blind lady works best without too much help, sometimes.
So I will ignore the clatter of falling pots and some
comment about mashmellow melted all over the
microwave. and write a Parson Christmas story --
just because she asked ...



Only be one problem (I be figerin' byself)
'bout that Parson and Christmas.
Thar be but one Parson and a whole
lot o' Christmas doin's up ta Ridge.

"When he mosey by this year, recon?" (offers ole silent Willie)

"'Bout time that crackling pig be done
for the turnin' o'r them coals you keep
lettin' die too low." (somebody's women sure)

"Na," offers the Squire. "There be a plan
set up fer a spell. I ain't the one ta say,
but my nose is a spicion suptpin's up." (his nose is big enough)

"Ya might have somethin' there." (Chester always agrees wit the Squire)

"Be remem'rin' at the barn fiddlin' last big moon,
how the Parson be chattin' up some folk off ta side like."

Then there was a bit of whisperin', and jug passin',
and fetchin' more cobs fer the fire, and checkin'
on what the youngin' was pretendin' not to do." (I watches everything)

Then Lottie do his reg'ar summin' up sayin' (we'd been awaitin')

"Here's what seems to be agreein'.
Each year for gone that Parson gets' ta talkin'
round bout harvest time 'bout the special meanin'
of Christmas and shortest year and nature hiddin' cold.
'Bout how folks ta Ridge here be tired of mendin'
and patchin' work, and start thinking 'bout Spring a commin',
and that's why baby Jesus day is set near the new year."

"The Book don't say it that a way." (Willie always interuptin')

"It don't say nuthin' bout calendars or
crop gatherin' or prayer meetin's neither" (Squire getting' feisty)

"Parson say there are three Chrismas" (I gets in a lick)

"That' right! The kids' be tellin' me. Lets' get one."

"Fercus -- git on over here fer tellin'" (That's Willie's biggest one)

Now t'ain't regular to have a youngin' join
the men folk for palaverin', but noddin' heads
be saying' it be right to have the tellin' straight.
(I see Bessie wavin' the ladies close)
"Now son," says Willie kind like.
"What's that Parson be tellin' y'all 'bout
Christmas when ya's chattin' by the crick?"

"Well, he be asignin' parts of the story to read
from the Book ta sunrise meetin' tomorrow." (we'd be knowing that!)

"and the shavers got a skit ta do past sundown,
with Sassie in charge of teachin' the words." (could tell the women know of this)

"No -- I mean this three Christmas preachin'" (Lottie don't got no kids)

"Oh that! Not much diff'rent that what he says
in stories the rest of the year, I recon'" (even I's surprised now)

"Yup, he says that this time o' year people gits
a little skert with nature dyin' a bit and they needs
bememberin' that there's always new life hiddin'
beneath the leaves and all" (no body sayin' nuthin')

"So Christmas is 'bout restin'
and patience and believin' in Spring --
an' gatherin' close with fambly,
an' fixin' things broken. Plannin' -- he says that too."
(the kids have come close up ta fire)

"Second part is 'bout celebratin' livin',
why Jesus come ta tell us it's all right to be
simple folks with pain and grievin' and laughin',
fer each of us is like a buried seed of love
ta burst forth in some special way." (I hear a sniffle over yonder)

"Don't need a special day fer that, he says --
should happen every day, but we all get's busy
fer forgettin' and not celebratin' right,
so the whole world get's to do it all at once,
and the darkest night seems 'bout right."
(Fercus seems older now somehow)

"The third Chistmas be about the giftin',
'specially 'bout the secret makin' of the dolls
and walkin' sticks and mended pots and warmin'gloves
an' store found books from down the river I don't know
how pa ever fetches up."
(there be snickerin' here 'n there)
"Parson be sayin' people kinda shy 'bout
sayin' thanks fer barn raisin' and group plowin'
an' watchin' kids fer sick folk and all --
so they say it with a bit o' music
or a special somethin' to say they was listenin'
all along; er they would like to get to know some gal better,
or hug their ma but gets too big … (he kinda drifts off quiet)

Now I don't know what kinda Christmas stories
you be tellin' in the cities with glitterin' trees,
and big church singin' and battery toys --
but if they ain't bout plannin' and plantin',
gathering and sharing and restin' and remembrin' --
then maybe I's glad to be here up ta Ridge
waitin' fer that Parson amble by."

Only thing I cain't figure sure is how he
see all us folks in hollows 'n canyons 'long
ta Ridge 'bout seventy miles, I figure --
some fer supper, some fer dancin',
some for story tellin' all 'tween Christmas eve
and Solstice day --
an' where he puts all that food
we by cookin' up, 'an how he finds
time to make this little whistle
to replace the one I lost --
an' how he talk Chester's pa
inna giving us this pig,
'bout ready now
fer Christmas.


At 3:52 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Great Faucon, and cheers of the season to Em :-)


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