Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Arrival at the Abbey

After my rather embarrassing exit from the Calabar Felonway, I floated many miles downstream until I met the Lemurian Sea. I rowed for quite a distance, becoming more and more exhausted as the hours passed. Then, I looked up and saw my pelican guide dive into the water before me and after a few moments an enormous ray surfaced, grabbed a guideline at the front of the skiff and began towing me.

After a few hours I was at the mouth of the Great River. I bid a farwell to my companion and asked him to thank the pelican who sent him. I was able to book passage on a river boat to the headwaters and then finished an overland trek to the gates of the Abbey.

As the gate opened before me, the wonderful smell of stew graced my senses.

Home at last.

Photo and text: L.Gloyd (c) June 21, 2006


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Believer said...

Hi Lori,

(Comment deleted--only me and an unfortunate typo.:-(

Whew! You must be exhausted. Glad you made it here. The Abbey is my "home base" in Soul Food. There is much serenity within its walls and much to learn

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Nothing like the welcoming smell of a good stew. The aroma has permeated the entire place.

At 7:02 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Wonderful Lori. You will love the Abbey.


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