Monday, May 02, 2005

thistledown angels

Dear Traveler,

The neighbors do not know, the garden club society does not know, the local tv news does not know, the agricultural section in the newspaper does not know, do you know who does know? Kids know.

Kids know that what the whole world looks upon as invaders are truly, “thistledown angels” And how can anything as beautiful, as yellow, as cheerfull, as independent and as inspirational as the flowers that make thistledown angels be something to scorn. Yes yes, the whole world scorns dandelions on the lawn, but are we not seeing that the whole world is wrong about such a number of things?

If dandelions were not so free we would be ordering them from mail order catalogs I am sure! Now wouldn’t that be something that we have never seen, dandelions planted in a row! Maybe I will do that some year just for the fun of it! I will have a nice neat bed of dandelions, wouldn’t that be interesting and different! Thank you Travelor for that Idea! But for now I have dandelions strewn throughout my lawn making their bold statement of vitality. Did you know that other flowers when in the vicinity of dandelions bloom sooner then they would if a dandelion was not near? It is true, I think I read it someplace scientific, if a thistledown angel did not whisper it into my ear.

And have you noticed what flower the bee prefers? Now a bee should know about flowers and which ones are the most important, after all she makes her living from flowers and is always after the best ones.

Love to you Travelor and to all dandelions everywhere


At 2:22 PM, Blogger Believer said...

And love to you Trendle for seeing the beauty in everything!

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Fran said...

I am homesick! I who am never homelsick long to blow the down from a dandelion; to count my fortune in the breath; to make a chain of flowers for my best friend's necklace; to taste the bitter stem. How blessed to see again the yellow blossoms of my childhood. Thank you Trendle.

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

You are such a wag Trendle. I can just imagine you walking around planting dandelions. The thistle is another very beautiful flower but I doubt many people plant it in their gardens. And although blackberries can be a right pain for graziers there is nothing quite like the taste of wild blackberries.


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