Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Abbey's quiet tonight. The halls are hushed, the gardens deserted, the crowded, clattery kitchen empty and locked, not even a nightlight is left burning.

So quiet.

It's a strange abbey that welcomes people of all faiths as well as those who would claim they have no faith at all. Many of us reside here permanently, not always visible or even heard from, but here, nonetheless, others come for periodic visits and then go an their way.

It's hard to believe we're all here in our cells, but then you hear it; the throb of each heart beating. It's the silent sound of prayer, and it comes from people who have little in common except their desire to create. It's a great desire and it's reached fulfillment here, but tonight creativity gives way to love.

I pray as a Christian. I pray for the Abbess and her Dear One, for those who are in pain that offers no release, for those aching to help the children and parents they cherish, for those who have lost loved ones, or mourn a way of life stolen by injury or illness, for those who struggle to overcome their past or fear they have no future, for those who no longer sleep, for those whose minds, bodies or souls are world-weary.

So many to pray for--a friend who's marriage is crumbling, twin babies holding tenuously to life, two friends running out of time on this earth. . . . . and on and on. . . . . . praying with love and worshipping in faith.


At 9:38 PM, Blogger Trendle Ellwood said...

Oh Believer, thank you for your prayer and the way in which you shared your prayer. As I entered your writing you started with the Abbey and you made it sound so empty, so void, so sad, and I could so relate because that is the way that my heart has been.

Wondering what it is all for, and why there is so much pain some days I just feel wounded and wishing that I wasn’t even here to feel all of this, and to see everyone struggling so. And like you share so many are feeling grief right now. You seem to touch the grief inside of the bunch as you think about all of these who feel pain.

I found it interesting what you said about the Abbey, Believer,
“It's a strange abbey that welcomes people of all faiths as well as those who would claim they have no faith at all.”
Yes indeed.
I have found myself attending Friend's meetings lately, and they are the same way, you are welcome there no matter what your beliefs or your religion or your lack of religion. As long as you believe that within each person dwells God, and that we can all get along in peace, then you are welcome at the Friends meeting.

This coming together of people, is faith in action though isn’t it. We all have faith or we wouldn’t come back to the Abbey. We have faith that what is good and wonderful and caring and sharing and artistic will be expressed.

When we go to Quaker meeting, we meet in silence and wait in stillness to hear the voice of God. Sometimes I find it very very hard to wait. My nose itches, I wonder if I forgot to water the dog, I wonder why did my Husband say that dumb thing or a car blows it’s horn, the seat is uncomfortable.
I almost feel angry sometimes at the silent worshipers around me, it seems so easy for them to be quiet. I just want to hear God, immediately! We live in an immediate world, I am used to instant gratification. But God is not like that is he/her?

Sometimes the road gets high and dry before water is within sight again. Why does Love , full fillment and God seem to play peek a boo? Is life like a yo yo that must constantly fly away from sourse and then back again in order to keep moving?

“It's the silent sound of prayer, and it comes from people who have little in common except their desire to create. It's a great desire and it's reached fulfillment here, but tonight creativity gives way to love.”

Oh Believer, I love your words and how beautifully you expressed the power of love that comes within this muse and in any other place where hearts meet.

May Love Prevail

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Vi Jones said...

Beautifully stated, Believer. We all gravitate to the Abbey because we feel welcome there no matter what our belief, and we all believe in something, even those who say they don't believe at all. It is the nature of the human animal to seek strength. Whether that strength somes from within or without matters little.

I find the Abbey to be a peaceful retreat where I am safe among friends. While there, I can call on the my Muse to enhance my creativity without the fear of interruption. We are all creative beings and as such we are a tribe apart.


At 4:40 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

The Abbey may seem hushed and quiet Barbara but it is full of energy and a love that knows no stereotypical boundaries. Thank you for your prayers. Like Hope your prayers give me wings.


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