Saturday, June 04, 2005

In Retreat

I have come to the Abbey for solace and comfort and I will be in retreat here for some time. Yesterday our worst fears were confirmed and Darryl's cancer is, indeed, back and active. We have held one another and shed rivers of tears but today we are trying to regain some normality so that we don't squander our time together.

Overwhelmingly I feel numb and yet a calm has descended. There is no doubt that the wave of love that came on the wings of my Ravens has comforted and warmed me, filled the well from which I have turned to for strength over the last five years.

So many folk have expressed a desire to help and the best way that anyone can help right now is to help keep some normality here at Soul Food. If folk busy themselves writing and keeping the home fires burning while I lie, curled in a chair, with a big rug over me that would be wonderful.

When I am not feeling so weepy and numb I will write. I plan to go to Duwamish Bay for that road trip and I may even do some alluvial mining because it is the travelling within which keeps me strong.

love Heather


At 6:27 PM, Blogger Anita Marie Moscoso said...

Hi Heather,

Once a friend told me to look for a lantern, no matter where I was in the Mines and I would never be lost down there again.

So go ahead and explore and when it gets tough just look for that Lantern.

Anita Marie

At 6:49 PM, Blogger jane said...

My memory is still with me strong and I picked a boquet of wildflowers, determined to find 'a winding road, sheltered by graceful willow trees, with soft catkins'. With sour dough bread tucked under the other arm from Phil, I headed out. I found a lane that matched the discription and at the end, behind a serenity gate, sat the house: Heathers house in Lemuria. Quietly I slipped into the house, sat my love gifts on the table, and retreating quickly before I was discovered. No words necessary. All has been said. Just love.

At 4:15 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Dear Anita Marie, Lois and Jane
You each come bearing such priceless gifts. Each means so much to me as I sit with a heavy heart.
love Heather

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Fran said...

Lois for your sharing, for the friends we hold dear, for our being together with them I thank you for the piece you have written here and wonder if you can send me an email as mine are mixed up and I want to be in direct touch with you. I know how we both feel fran


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