Monday, June 27, 2005


'tis said that at 5 days past Solstice
the human senses can detect the change in the length of the day.

and 'tis a fine morning to nip the candle
and turn to greet the morn...
with you.



At sunrise I turned and saw each dewdrop
reflect the golden dream of a flower
trying to remember to be born.

Remarkably I turned from the sunrise
to find it lovingly birthed anew
in faire dancing eyes and pixy smile.

Turn -- yes turn from the sunrise and see
yesterday come alive by choice and voice
of currents of silent ever song.

Does the sunrise see me in turning mirth,
most foolish here, shoeless -- half naked
kneeling amongst the flowers, singing?

The turning world will see this same sunrise,
a unity of Light and Covenant of Life,
yet as separate as each morning kiss.

May I be the sunrise that sees you turn
from slow aging pains to innocent joy
found in your child's heart and dance.

I turned from the sunrise to see … well
the sunset is forever far from fear
when I rise to find you standing near.


At 4:15 PM, Blogger Believer said...

What can I say? This is just beautiful.


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