Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Pain and Power

FeatherStone, the medicine woman, has no equivalent for the phrase "Physician heal thyself." I'm confined to the grotto today by sheer physical pain. Yesterday, I went with a very close friend to her first course of chemotherapy. I've been feeling heavy, tired, and very achey since then. She, on the other hand, went home and cooked dinner for her family. Today she is at work, feeling no side effects other than a slightly crampy stomach. My own stomach is fine but the rest of me is crying out. I wonder, am I coming into greater power as a healer? There's certainly a desire, a willingness on my part to share, minimize and absorb the pain of others. However, I want to take this pain and release it from my own body. I don't know how to do that yet.


At 8:07 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Perhaps a refreshing walk may give clarity of mind?

At 1:08 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

When you are a sponge that receives the pain of another you are sure to feel aches all over your body Maya. To provide loving care you need to be able to look after yourself. But I figure you do know this to be true. Try having a soak in a bath and soak away some of the toxins.

At 6:01 AM, Blogger maya said...

Two wonderful suggestions thoughtful friends! If I get too absorbent next time I share the chemo experience, I'll try both.....

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Believer said...

Hello Maya,

I've often thought how wonderful it would be if we could share the pain of those we love. Friends and family could all accept some and make the other's burden so much easier to bare. Instead I turn to prayer and then a shared remembering of good memories and laughter when it is possible. Your friend is lucky to have you beside her.


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