Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Journey - A Song


There is a place on the mountain, where the stars meet the morning mist,
And the setting moon mirrors the rising sun
And my heart is brought to tear.

Shall we go home my friend, take me home -
home to the simple life. My love waits there
twin the fire within, home does call my heart.

I have brave wandered the world, to lands strange yet kindly the same,
and the people there did wave back at me
to protect my mind from fear.

Remember home my friend, take me home -
home to the simple life. My love waits there
twin the fire within, home does call my heart.

I have engaged to battle strong foe, for many who claimed my liege lord,
For mysterious cause that was rarely my own,
my fine purpose for to bear.

Yet I wonder now at the purpose, why I guided steed through the fray,
for in the end I still feel defeated;
to win does not honor share.

Let us go home my friend, take me home -
home to the simple life. My love waits there
twin the fire within, home does claim my heart.

I drop the reins in surrender, and will let my heart guide the way,
this new journey will be long and lonely,
'tis a search for loving care.

My crippled form will travel to homeland, to a table surrounded by friends,
but my heart must journey from far without
to peace within prepare.

Take me home my friend, take me home -
home to the simple life. My love waits there
twin this fire within, home does claim my heart.


At 3:12 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

This touches me deeply faucon as I remember our six month absence. I loved it but I became terribly home sick, not for any one in particular but just for home. Coming home was the best part.

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

This pretty much says it all...


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