Monday, July 31, 2006

For Jan - or in contrast


I have thought a bit on the chaos of simplification.
You know, reduction of self to childhood's innocent appeal,
and getting rid of that back-pack full of ungrateful rubble.
Amongst the twigs of broken relationships and moldy regrets
there must be a hard-fought truth or three to sway self-delusion.

In this fine search for balance between divine humanity,
and chanced even more elusive human divinity,
there is cause to caress or trash some spiritual growth values
placed secure by others in my jumbled youth and scurried life.
Dare I build a model drawn from internal reflection alone?

One thing certain has evolved through belly-lint contemplation.
The soul and the spirit are vastly different parts and view
of the cosmic joke that caused the Light to love us into existence.
Spirit for me has always been a touch of God placed within,
while the shifty Soul is kind of the place where Spirit hangs out.

Now I have a more patient view, fueled by an itchy thought
that maybe the Spirit has difficulty coming to roust
'cept occassionally because our pace is most dreadful slow
from self-imposed chains around our sorry feet and blinders on.
Poor thing has to circle about and is only rarely seen.

And the Soul isn't quite a place at all, but a kind of fulcrum
for Archimedes's lever to shift the earth, or my butt, one.
I kind of envision that tool as the staff I use to touch
Mother Earth, and draw up energy from the Covenant,
or hold the Agreement out at friendly distance -- not sure.

Not sure the balance lever where the Spirit must ever dance
isn't more like a mirror that reflects back our passion or lack.
Too much teeter to the human side and we are lost in shame,
while a giant swing to divine embrace risks our humanity,
so seems maintaining a balance is the secret named '42'.

Philosophy attempts to solve this dilemma of Spirit chase
by fuddled strengthening the Soul fulcrum's essential focus.
Organized religion tries to freeze the swing pulse of everlife
into a static tremble state where the strangled, gifted Spirit
and base Given humanity both die in whimpered defeat.

Religiosity serves up all right if'n it tries to stroke
the swing from willful claim to willing yield into little steps.
At least this way there's small danger of falling off the darn'd thing,
while tricky balance is achieved or at least artfully pursued,
and maybe Spirit gets a chance at both human love and Light.

Of course the recycled birth Spirit prance is simplified
if the mirror-lever is shortened some by finding some peace
in love and humility and letting go of groundless fears.
With such balance and a more simple self and clearer eye
I might even get a quick peek into that shadow mirror.

So let me see if'n I got it right this time going around.
I am -- which should be enough really, except for the game
in which the object is to figure out the rules and don't keep score.
Slow down to keep better balance and let my Spirit catch up
and join in pray not dropping the love-ball all over again.

Hey, which team am I on anyway?

papa faucon


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