Monday, July 17, 2006

Two Fitzgeralds (55 words)

he wrote:


One cannot return to the womb,
nor to the divine egg,
nor moment of yearning,
nor web of gossamer love …

But we can enfold
spirit and frailty
in the arms of another –
and touch,
and listen,
and breathe as one.

Of this there will be born
a Child of Light,
as it was,
and is now.

she responded: (an egg)

circled in
the arms of comfort
and passion
cradled in the mantle of purpose
and commitment,
nestled in the snugness of peace
and contentment
harbored from the wildness of the
stormy world
protected by the angelic song of
wings a'flutter
guarded by the breath of spirit's
eternal kisses
cloaked within the
reaches of lovers'


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