Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Trouble with Owls

Dear Abbess,
I'm sorry to have to inform you that I will have to move to another cell. I thought my dreams had come true when I found the little cell at the top of the tower with windows all around. However, I hadn't taken into consideration the 96 steps to get to the top of the tower and (down again) and, more importantly perhaps, the antics of the owls in the roof above me. It was only on the second or third day that I noticed the circular window in the wall just under the eaves. I had been sitting under one of the old chestnut trees in the twilit garden when I heard the soft hooting of a barn owl and looked up and saw two of these ghostly creatures drifting above me. As I watched, I saw them fly in through the circular window - it has no glass so there is nothing to prevent them from flying in. How wonderful, I thought, to have owls living above me .....

That is until I tried to sleep. All night long there was intermittent scuffling and scratching right above my head. Obviously there is no sound insulation between my cell and the floor of the turret roof
space. There were, of course, apart from the calls of the owls,assorted squeaks, screams, etc. as the owls devoured their unfortunate prey. At times I thought there were more than just the couple of owls
I had already seen for it sounded as if the residents were hosting a party and were dancing the night away.

When I was a child a couple of tawny owls took up temporary residence in the huge copper beech tree at
the end of our garden. We were much amused on several occasions to watch the owls apparently dancing on our lawn. We assumed they were hunting for worms and perhaps the vibrations they made jumping up and down made the worms come up to the surface where they were quickly despatched. Much as I love owls and I am generally a tolerant creature I do not think I can continue dwelling in the tower. As you know, my work will be taking away from the abbey again next week and then I shall be
travelling until the end of March. Perhaps I may be permitted to search for another cell on my return. Maybe the potting shed was a better idea after all.


posted for Carol by Heather Blakey


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