Monday, June 27, 2005

Spirit and Sage

Practice writing every day.
This will be my mantra. The Abbey is where I'll practice the discipline.
I'm in formidable company among such accomplished poets and writers. No matter! I've been invited here and made to feel very welcome. If I sometimes babble, stumble, fall and make grammatical mistakes, it's all a part of the process.

Even though I just arrived at the Abbey yesterday, I was called away for a short time already. Spirit work. Last fall, friend of mine took his own life in a violent and tragic manner. Horror of horrors, a shotgun blast to the head accomplished the mission. This happened very near my home, right in the place where I walked my (now deceased) Lab, Buddy. Tim felt that he could not overcome his addiction to alcohol and opted to permanently end the problem. I tried so hard to help him, as did others, to no avail. Daily,I've gone to the spot where he took his life. I recite the Our Father and Hail Mary. I wish his spirit well. This has not been quite enough, however. Yesterday, the medicine woman in me was urged by her inner voice to go and purify the ground and air in that space. I had to be fairly discreet in doing so, as there are often people around that area. I can imagine what they'd think, watching a middle aged woman walking in a circle, a lit bundle of sage in hand,lips moving wordlessly, behind the Elks Club. (No irony there, it was Tim's watering hole.) No doubt they'd suspect that I, too, had imbibed too plentiful an amount of firewater. I've fought that particular demon myself, battling long and hard, holding to the truce that stands today. That's why I am so sad for Tim. He "gave up" a day too soon.

I did it. I took my sage and smudged the grounds and the air in the space where a fellow human being and friend died. At first, I felt nothing. No energy force at all, either positive or negative. I stood silently for a moment or two, looking to the sky. I observed one wispy cloud, one lonely cloud, that took on the shape of an angel waving good-bye. A black bird came, seemingly out of nowhere, flying swiftly over and away from me, disappearing over the tree tops. I released a spirit. My own.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Believer said...

Hello Maya,

I'm so sorry your friend didn't ask for help. I don't think suicides realize the length or extent of the grief their act causes. He has your blessings and I thik he has tried to bless you in return, so try to be at peace with it if you can.

Welcome to the Lemurian Abbey. People listen here. Continue to write with your heart and know that we'll add our prayers and compassion to your thoughts and words.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Vi Jones said...

I'm pleased you had the courage to do what you knew needed to be done. And I'm sure your friend's spirit was there beside you to receive your gift.


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

"I stood silently for a moment or two, looking to the sky. I observed one wispy cloud, one lonely cloud, that took on the shape of an angel waving good-bye. A black bird came, seemingly out of nowhere, flying swiftly over and away from me, disappearing over the tree tops. I released a spirit. My own."

As we both know Maya, black birds never come from nowhere. Since Darryl's cancer diagnosis they have been quite literally escorting me, dipping their laced wings, calling out from nearby trees. This has been comforting my battered spirit. I am so pleased that they were there for you today.

Incidentally! Soul Food has a rookery of ravens who travel to the far corners of the globe carrying my messages. Many Patrons will testify to their presence in times of need.

I am so pleased you have come to the Abbey and I trust you are finding the accommodation you have sourced comfortable.
love Heather

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Such strength you have, such compassion, Lady of Light. I am in awe of your courage. I am also so very glad you are here, we have need of your strong medicine.

Besides being the Alchemist - I also tend the Sacred Grove which rises just beyond your Grotto. People find Costello a different being there. But then, you will not find anything surprising. For you know me well. Come over the hill at sunrise, I will meet you by the standing stones.



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