Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Cave of the Enchantress

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Tonight I am proud to present 'The Cave of the Enchantress'. This is our first official function in the Abbey and I know you will all make this group of minstrals welcome.

It is hard to believe that the artists presenting here tonight have only been working with 'The Enchantress', in the Grotto de Sibyl for little over a week. After a hurried introduction to the cave, where they will be living and working for the next three months, they were whisked away on horse back and have been staying at Duwamish Bay, not far from here, rehearsing for tonight's performance.

I imagine everyone in the Abbey heard the hoof beats as the party rode into the Abbey entrance late last night. Their arrival most certainly created a commotion as they unpacked and took over the Great Banquet Hall. The Enchantress has been waving her hands a lot and running back and forth as she directs our first official function.

So put your hands together and give these 'Travelling Troubadours' a warm welcome.

Please! No posts during the performance! There are ten acts to watch and commment on. They will follow this post

The Abbess
Lemurian Abbey


At 2:46 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Oh Heather, welcome all. What a magnificent feast...

At 4:20 AM, Blogger Fran said...

I have walked among the writers
the visitors to the village
I have read ten stories
Ten wonderous tales
Ten messages to think about
Ten days of dwelling with you
as I read, and read again
and share your joy in the making

Welcome to the cavern for you bring richness for our feasting


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