Thursday, August 10, 2006

An Exchange

Almost a year since Em and I were wed and we found ourselves caught in 'routine'. I went to bed at nine from exhaustion over building a new bathroom in the basment, and Em much later, frustrated a bit from her latch-hook rug (difficult for a blink). She woke me to get a 'nightime kiss' (nothing more) to which I apparently did not respond well.

The next day I sent her a poem, and received a reply ...

He mused --

In human draw and folly,
our perceptions of energy is measured (judged?)
by the discordance in our live,
of light where darkness is natural,
or sound where silence is a gift.

Can this be true of Currents?
even love?
Where we forget to embrace
the hidden flow –
and focus instead on actions
like kisses, hugs and trivial gifts?

Or is attention to these things
(to be nurtured and close held),
a part of humanity’s balance
and essential to sought spirit dance,
and I but confuse the two?

Her Response –

no gift is trivial
when gifted to and received from a love
a slip of paper with written thought,
a feather found in the so called weeds,
a beautiful leaf of vibrance,
a bit of dustkitty fluff from under the bed----

it is the hand outstretched
that is the truest gift
the heart extended
the mind embraced
the touch of love in all things
the mended hem
the leak fixed
the broken hinge replaced

it is in all things you do
and all things you are
and lo I know this
but my frail female self
loves your kiss and your touch
and loves to do so to you

and perhaps i ask too much of thee
in this way

i will revel in whatever is
and enjoy the mist
of your energy blest
within my Soul and Spirit


At 5:42 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

lovely faucon. How quickly the year has flown by.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Gail Kavanagh said...

Aha! The Faucon has truly met his match.


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